Tuesday, April 3, 2018

7 Fun facts about the cover,

Here comes 7 fun facts about the cover, here we go!
1. The whole idea for the cover came from a recollection of seeing a silhouette of pride and prejudice.
This is the one that I have no idea where I had seen it before but was a huge part of how I wanted the cover to look.
2. Most of the lettering for the cover was based off of other classic novels to pay homage to the classics of literature that I feel don't often get represented well by modern adaptations.
3. The original idea for the cover was a lot more complicated.
4. I based much of the coloring and scheme of the whole cover off of "The Wolf Wilder" as I really love the feel of the colors and style and the way it comes across.
5. I was terrified to copy the thumbnail of the refined cover because I felt it was perfect and there was no way to replicate it.
6. The first finished digitally colored cover had minimal details and I almost didn't go back to refine it.
I don't know about you but I'm so glad I went back and fixed it.
7. The original cover was going to be water colored but I found while testing out colors digitally as to not ruin my sketch I enjoyed how the cover looked and decided to finish it digital instead of traditionally.
That is the end of our list folks, thanks for stopping by as it was fun to go back and remember how this all came to be. Honestly most of  the time I just try out ideas and look to other book covers as inspiration for what I want mine to be like and in the end it always works out.
Let me know what you think of these fun facts, whether you can relate or have a favorite be sure to comment below!
AB out-