Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Book Signing Nov. 4th, 2pm sharp!

This event is going to be a blast and this book can make a great present for any fable loving individual on your Christmas list!
Location and Time:
The Kings English Bookstore
1511 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
Nov. 4th at 2pm sharp!
There will be prizes, stories and backstory on the book so don't be late for this very important date.
Be sure to check out my author blog for continuing updates on art, books and events!
Stay awesome guys!
A.B out-

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Wanna See The Stop Motion Trailer?

Then head on over to my author blog silly!



(Trust me when I say you will not be disappointed.)

Friday, July 14, 2017

Even the best screw up,

This will be short sweet and to the point...

I would like you to take a look at these two covers and tell me what's wrong with one of them.

Could you spot the difference?
It's minute but it's there, the fact is even the best (which I assure you I am not) miss things that can be literally staring you in the face. Like say Crimson being spelled Crimsion, it's not huge but I did the cover and spelled every other time of Crimson correct.
So our life lesson my friends is, don't fret when you screw up. Learn, grow and become better from your mistakes. This didn't stop me from publishing the book on Kindle, heck we didn't even see it until we held a proof copy of the book in our hands. (That was after five people had already seen the cover and not one noticed)
In the end don't live your life thinking the world will end on that one screw up, if it did my goodness I would be in a world of trouble.
A.B out-

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The book is out!

You can now grab a copy of the book right here!
Anyway thanks for stopping by and be sure to continue to stop by as more art, behind the scenes of the book trailer and so much more are to come.
AB out-